There is a severe identity crisis going on in the church and it’s not even the “not knowing who you are in Christ” but is the “denying who you are” in Christ. Denying who you are at every turn is even worse than not knowing who you are. The word says if we deny Him, He will deny us (Matthew 10:33). Sin begets sin and denial is a multiplier of sin.
I have seen those who were real thorough bread gangsters and those who devoted their whole life to the Lord. And do you want to know what’s crazy about both of these types of people: they never denied who they were. What’s even more wild is that the former is a perversion of the later. Can you imagine if the former submitted their life to God...how many people they could reach for the Kingdom because of the mindset to never fake it til' you make it. And while I thought the former was a waste and the later was a coincidence, I was reminded this past Friday that even that was apart of God training me to understand the importance of identity in Him, the power of embracing your identity in Him, and it is the basis of Amanda Grace Ministries. It’s apart of what I have to fight for others to see too.
We must be real to our walk with the Lord. No more of this wavering, toeing the line stuff and denial of who you are in Him. Have you ever seen a person that is double minded that you can trust? I haven’t. The word says that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8). So chose now who you will serve (Joshua 24:15). So, I’ll leave you with this: How can you, instead of denying who you are in Christ, deny yourself today and submit to Jesus? A good way to really examine this is by asking yourself “What have I spent the most time thinking about or doing?” and then choose to replace it by meditating on God’s word and prayer (Obviously this can be easier said than done so the first step to doing this is inviting the Lord into your thoughts...ask "God, what do you think about this? What should I do/what should I be focusing on?", then go read His word and pray. He will meet you in these moments). When you submit to the Lord and resist the devil, he will flee (James 4:7). Don't be afraid to surrender to your creator because the more you do this, you will begin accepting, fully, who He created you to be.